Jacoub And Signing Polandball Comics

A few disclaimers before we start: If you don't know about Polandball, then look it up yourself because I don't feel like explaining it for the thousandth time. Also keep in mind that I'm an approved submitter , so I'm not just some random kid wining about "le fascist mods." For this post, I'm going to use "signature" and "watermark" interchangeably . Got all that? Good. Let's move on. The Polandball subreddit is infamous on Reddit for having mods that strictly enforce the rules. Whether those rules be something as big as how you make the circles or as tiny as the colors of the flags, if you break them, you go back to the drawing board and fix whatever you did wrong. Now, this doesn't happen often, as the approved submitters know all the rules by heart. However, there's one rule that's really starting to rustle my jimmies: the no signature rule. An example of a Polandball rule talking about how to draw a circle. ...