Jacoub And Android P

More like Android PU, amirite? Seriously though, ever since Durate left Android's User Experience team, it's just been turning more and more into iOS, except just a tad bit flatter. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm on team Android all the way, but one of the main problems Android had ever since it was released was differentiating itself from iOS. Now I'm not saying there aren't differences, there are tons actually, but to the general public, they think that Android is some less secure, more unstable iOS rip-off and decide to buy an iPhone because of that. And this. This is not helping with those issues. First, we have the new quick settings and notification center. One of the biggest, and so far only, face-lifts in Android P. Now, it's quite obviously inspired by iOS's control center, from the rounded toggles to the blue background behind it to the curved corners. The problem here is that it just doesn't look good. This is a screensh...