Jacoub And The iPhone's Speakers

Apple. The reason why 2017 started this trend of phones having no headphone jacks, and the year the world went crazy because of that. Now, Apple did have a reason for removing it: courage. Oh, and also for a bigger battery, though no one could really see a difference, and more importantly, more speaker space.

You see, starting with the iPhone 5, before Apple got rid of it, they put the headphone jack on the bottom of the phone. You know what else was there? The speakers. Since Apple thought this was such a great idea, they decided to sacrifice some speaker space to make room for the jack. Now, at first, this wasn't such a big deal, there was still a lot of space for the left and right speakers on the iPhone 5 and 5s, it was just that the left side sounded only a tad bit quieter. But then, with the release of the iPhone 6, something terrible happened: Apple removed the ENTIRE left speaker.

That little hole next to the headphone jack is a MICROPHONE, by the way.
So yeah, people were angry (or at least, I think they were) because the iPhone sounded like poop. I can confirm this. My friend has an iPhone 6s, the next and last phone to do this, and I can only hear the speakers through my right ear. My left ear can't hear most of what's going on, which gets really annoying. Not to mention the sound I was hearing was terrible. Maybe it's because I'm spoiled by the Nexus 6's front facing speakers, but I haven't heard a phone sound this bad since that budget Android phone that cost 20 bucks. Yes, this sounded worse than that. It seemed Apple knew this as well, so they put the left speaker back. In the worst way possible.

So you probably know how the story goes by now. Apple removes the jack, the world gets angry, other phone manufacturers go along with the trend, the headphone jack is basically dead. But what if I told you this could all be prevented. What if I told you, if Apple used some common sense, we would still be listening to our tunes with the jack. All Apple need to do was to make those big, outdated bezels useful for something. And that something wouldn't just keep the headphone jack around for another day, but also make the iPhone sound better.

Front facing speakers. We know there's room, we already saw Apple put all that stuff on the bezelful iPhones into one tiny notch. Now you just need to do that but use the bezels to add front facing speakers. We already saw how great they sound with the Google Pixel 2 and especially the Razer Phone. If Apple does that, maybe more and more phones will have these great sounding speakers. After all, once Apple does it, everyone else needs to do it too.

Not saying that that's a bad thing because if I had to use iOS if I wanted a phone with the newest flagship features I would scream.


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